Family Counselling Centre (FCC)

Family Counselling Centre was started during the year 2003 with the help of Central Social Welfare Board, New Delhi.  This family counselling centre focuses on misunderstanding problems, suspiciousness, unemployment, depression, love affair, extra marital affair, pre-marital problem, dowry problem etc.

The family counselling centre help the individual for an enhanced level of functioning when they are unable to cope with the problem brought in by these changes.

Our family counselling centre aims at reducing the problems and crisis, strengthening family coping skills, effecting positive changes in the attitude, improvement in life style, providing timely counselling and support to lead a qualitative life style.


  • To create awareness about family problem, marital problem, adolescent problem, sex education etc.
  • To give special education to the family members with support and extra care to the client.
  • To encourage the family to listen supportively to the person.
  • To get emotional support for the family which helps greatly is facing problems.
  • To discuss the family problem with the client very carefully and reactfully with the family.
  • To encourage the role responsibility and need to normalise the activities of the individual and the client.
  • To educate both client and family members as how to handle their family problems.

Counselling is an important role of family counselling centre.  The counsellor provides and guides valuable information to the client after getting the brief history from the client and the family members and diagnose about various problem.

Individual counselling, group counselling, family therapy, behaviour modification therapy, environment modification therapy, marital therapy, reality therapy and psychological support to the client and family members are the main activities of the FCC.We are providing counselling on marital problem, family sex education, economic problem, adolescent problem, helping the alcoholic, aging, dowry related problems and drug abuse.

Counsellors are regularly contacting All Women Police Station at Theni, Andipatti, Uthamapalayam, Bodi and District Social Welfare Office in Theni.Regular Sub committee meetings are conducted once in 3 months.  During this meeting Women Police Officials, Lawyers, Welfare Officer, Social Workers, Psychologists, Therapist, District Social Welfare Officer were invited to discuss the problems and solution for different cases.  This sub committee meeting guides the counsellors for the effective implementation of the project.

During this year, the family counsellors dealt 250 cases related to marital maladjustment with spouse, misunderstanding, Dowry demands and exploitation by neighbour.


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