On Farm Testing is aimed at testing the proven technologies evolved at Research Stations on farmers’ field with their farming system perspective in view under their management and their active participation so as to convince them the relevance and viability of the new technology.
During this year 2009, the following 12 OFT Programmes viz., White fly Management in Cotton, Mealy bug Management in Cotton, Management of Downy mildew in Grapes, Management of Sigatoka leaf spot in Banana, Management of Tea mosquito bug in Cashew, Management of Phytopthora wilt in Betel vine, Management of Fruit fly in Annual Moringa, Management of Pseudostem weevil in banana, Assessment of suitable method of planting in banana for higher profitability, Approaches for drudgery reduction and quality improvement of banana fibre, Assessment of suitable goat Breed for higher productivity, Effect of EM in uptake efficiency, cost reduction, quality and milk production were implemented.
The needed critical inputs for trial were given to the farmers and study was carried out to know the viability of the technologies tested. The field testing was carried out involving 88 farmers in an area of 42.6 ha.
Title of OFT
Technology Assessed
White fly Management in Cotton |
Neem oil 3% and Fish oil resin soap 25gm/lt spray two times at 4 days interval, Neem seed kernel extract 5% spray two times at 4 days interval,Yellow sticky trap five numbers per ha,introduction of chrysopa predators @50,000/ha two releases at 15 days interval
Source: TNAU,Coimbatore |
Mealy bug Management in Cotton |
a. Spray of Acephate 2gm/lt and Fish oil resin soap 25gm/lt (one immediately after appearance and at 15 days interval)
b. Spray of Kerosene 20ml/lt and Methyl parathion 2ml/lt (one immediately after appearance and at 15 days interval)
c. Spraying Profenophos 1ml/lit+ Fish Oil Rosin Soap (FORS) 20gm/lit
Source: TNAU,Coimbatore
Management of Downy mildew in Grapes |
Four Spray of Copper hydroxide 2gm/lt at 15-20 days interval to cover entire rainy period Source: NRCG |
Management of Sigatoka leaf spot in Banana |
Removal of the dried and diseased leaves and spraying of 0.1% Propiconazol (TILT) by thoroughly covering both the surfaces adding wetting agent with the spray fluid especially during winter and cool months -2spray.Source: NRCB, Trichy. |
Management of Tea mosquito bug in Cashew |
a.Spray of Chlorpyriphos 0.05 % b. Spray of Triazophos 0.1%
c. Spray of L-Cychalothrin 0.003% d. Spray of Profenophos 0.05%
Source: TNAU, Coimbatore |
Management of Phytopthora wilt in Betel vine |
Application of 0.25% bordeaux mixture and streptocyclin 0.5g per liter spray,Root dipping in trichoderma and planting ,Application of 100 kg FYM and 10 kg Neem cake,Application of dried calotropis and Neem leaves.Source: TNAU, Coimbatore |
Management of Fruit fly in Annual Moringa |
Spray of spinosad 45 SC @ 56 g a.i/ha followed by profenafos 50 EC @ 250 ml/ha, Placement of Fermented grape juice to attract fly, Placement of fermented tomato trap @ 25/ha and Raking soil
after applying Lindane 1.3D @ 163 g a.i./ha Source: TNAU, Coimbatore |
Management of Pseudostem weevil in banana |
Application of Baeveria bassiana 20 gm in the pseudo stem of the banana (pseudo stem trap @ 300/ha) and placing in the ground soil.
Source: NRCB, Trichy |
Assessment of suitable method of planting in banana for higher profitability of planting in banana for higher profitability |
High density planting with the spacing of 1.8 x 3.6 (three suckers per pit=4630 suckers/ha).Higher population, higher yield and higher profitability.Source: NRCB, Trichy |
Approaches for drudgery reduction and quality improvement of banana fibre |
Retting by means of biological organism (CAP enzyme @ 10 ml mixed with 50 ml of water and diluted with 5 litres and keeping for 12 hours).Source: Innovative Farmers |
Assessment of suitable goat Breed for higher productivity |
AI with Tellichery goat semen
Source:TANUVAS |
Effect of EM
in uptake efficiency,
cost reduction, quality and milk production |
Feeding mich cow with Green fodder 10-15 kg/cow / day,Dry fodder 5 kg / cow/ day,Concentrate feed 1.5- 2 kg / cow / day,Mineral mixture-25-30 gm / cow day,EM bokashi 200 gm / cow / day and EM solution 40 ml /cow/ day. |